Chapter 3918 The Descent Fetish:>>Ep45
- He absentmindedly seasoned the steaks and put them back in the marinade and into the fridge while he daydreamed of fucking both of the Weaver women and letting the fabric pressed against his burgeoning erection offer the slightest bit of relief.
- Sharon was walking back to the drink cart to pour herself another rum and coke when Barb appeared from the house with a platter of fruit. Freshly cut pineapple, watermelon, mango, and honeydew joined some thinly sliced cucumbers, carrots, and a smattering of grapes in an aesthetically pleasing display.
- Sharon was already well-aware of her friend's adherence to traditional norms—a quirk that she'd never understood given her generally rebellious nature—but she'd really outdone herself this time.